Indoor Netball

When can I play Indoor Netball?

Northside Indoor Sport & Fitness offers Indoor Netball on the following nights:

Mixed – Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday nights from 6pm (Sunday games from 3.20pm)
Ladies – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday from 6pm
Ladies Daytime Netball – Wednesday morning from 10am (COMING SOON – REGISTER NOW)

Call 07 3482 2968 or JOIN our Northside Indoor Netball Subs group on Facebook to stay up to date with information


What is Indoor Netball?

Traditionally known as a sport for women, Indoor Netball has become one of the most popular mixed team sports in Australia. As more and more ‘spectator’ husbands, boyfriends, friends and brothers are getting off the side lines and onto the court, our mixed teams now match our ladies in team numbers at Northside Indoor Sport & Fitness. Most of the rules of Indoor Netball are similar to the traditional outdoor version, but for those who have never played, the basics are:

7 players per team, each with a designated position and zone of the court they are allowed to move within (mixed teams are allowed a maximum of 3 guys – min of 2)
Extra players are allowed, but substitutions can only be made between quarters
Each match consists of 4 x 9 minute quarters (players may change positions during any quarter-time break)
Netball is a non-contact sport and defenders must remain 3 feet from the ball-carrier
Because the court is completely surrounded by netting, there is no ‘out-of-bounds’, adding a dimension and tactics not available to traditional netball